Fried Green Plantains


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Serves 4


1 or more green plantains
  • 2 cups oil for frying


To peel green plantains, use a sharp knife, cut 1/4" off both ends. Make at least 4 slits lengthwise along the fold of the skin, being careful not to cut the inside of the plantain; pull skin off. Use the knife to separate the skin from the fruit. After peeling, cut into 1 slices. In enough oil to almost cover slices, fry for 5 minutes over low heat. Turn and cook other side for another 5 minutes. Remove from oil and drain over paper towels. Place a piece of brown paper over individual plantain slices and smash, one by one, with fist so they will flatten. Soak in cool salted water and pat dry. Just before serving fry again in hot 385 degrees oil for about 3 minutes. Drain over paper towels, sprinkle with salt and serve hot.

You may serve tostones with a garlic sauce.

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